A blog that will change the world of blogs, one blog at a time. Yours first probably. No....most likely it will be yours first. ........ Most definately yours first, to be honest.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Update On My New Band

So the new band is starting to come together. The name of this new rock-your-face-off band is, Seven Years Absence.
We've started writing a couple songs, and all I can tell you is they are heavier than my old band, considering we don't use acoustic guitars anymore. Also, the songs rock. Soon we'll have some mp3's for you all to voice your opinons on. until then, check out these following bands:

Number One Gun
and of course....


Blogger Robert said...

So, you're starting a new band with a three-year-old picture of yourself?

8:17 PM

Blogger Adam Farnsworth said...

Yeah, he's got a point...

12:27 AM

Blogger Nick said...

yep. And my band is already going to be 3-years-old, even before it finishes a song.

9:25 PM

Blogger Robert said...

Man Nick, you rock harder than a boulder!

12:18 PM


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