A blog that will change the world of blogs, one blog at a time. Yours first probably. No....most likely it will be yours first. ........ Most definately yours first, to be honest.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Buy a Shirt!

So, if you have the time, you must go to this website,
  • Threadless
  • , and buy a shirt. All the shirt designs are created by people like you and me who submit them to the site. I have the, "Meat is Murder, Tasty Tasty Murder," shirt. Here's another fun shirt as well. It's called, "Nothing Rhymes with Orange." Enjoy!

    P.S. i'll post soon with some pictures from Shiloh's and my trip to Florida.


    Blogger Casey said...

    I am laughing as I post this comment. Oh man, it's so true! Hey we should submit some entries.

    11:33 PM

    Blogger Robert said...

    That's pretty good!

    9:29 AM


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