A blog that will change the world of blogs, one blog at a time. Yours first probably. No....most likely it will be yours first. ........ Most definately yours first, to be honest.

Saturday, May 27, 2006


I get so bugged by the fact that people break basic traffic laws in front of me all the time, and I always wish that a cop were there to put them in their place. Well, yesterday I was at a traffic stop with a cop waiting to turn left beside me. Then as our light turned green a blue corvette went flying through the intersection, attempting to beat the already red light. I instantly turned to Shiloh and said, "Sweet! That guys totally screwed!" And as I turned and looked at the cop, I noticed a small smirk cross his face as he flipped on his lights and pulled that "do-badder" over.
I feel so good inside. :-)


Blogger Adam Farnsworth said...


12:30 AM

Blogger mysterio said...

Flip Ya!

2:37 AM

Blogger mysterio said...


2:37 AM

Blogger Robert said...

Corvettes...why I oughta--

5:42 PM

Blogger Robert said...

Hey, I want another movie face. How about...A Walk to Remember or Underworld.

5:45 PM


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