A blog that will change the world of blogs, one blog at a time. Yours first probably. No....most likely it will be yours first. ........ Most definately yours first, to be honest.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

End of an Era

As sad as it is, i just dont' have time to update this blog anymore. (not that i did in the first place anyway.) So, i will be closing this blog down within the next couple months. Sorry to those who read it, or glanced at it in passing. Thanks for all you who commented on it over the last couple years. It's been fun.
If you want to keep up on my life, you still can at the following site.


This is updated more than anything else that i am affiliated with.
Again thank you.

For the sake of having pictures on my blog, here are a couple designs that my brother made for my bands T-Shirts.