A blog that will change the world of blogs, one blog at a time. Yours first probably. No....most likely it will be yours first. ........ Most definately yours first, to be honest.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Mini-Golf Madness

We went mini-golfing the other night and really showed that course a thing or two. Here's Casey with an amazing hole in three.

And Bob with a manly hole in five.

And finally, us burly dudes after the game.

Until next time....
check out this music


Tuesday, August 23, 2005

I have a cool video

....unfortunatly you can't see it. I need to host it somewhere but, even the free web site thingy's actually do cost money.

This week i recommend checking out the new Nickel Creek Album.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

But I have some good news.........

No, I didn't save any money at all on my car insurance, but my band did get a date for recording a demo in an actual recording studio Sept. 25. Wish us luck. until then check out some free songs of some of my favorite bands at the following addresses.





Thursday, August 04, 2005

My New Car

So Bungie (makers of Halo and Halo 2 for XBOX) called me a few weeks ago and informed me that I was one of twenty people to win the Bungie promotion prize:

A Limited Edition Golden Warthog. (the box actually said it's the civilian edition of the vehicle, which explains why there isn't a giant machine gun of death on the back.)

So here are a couple photos of my totally awesome ride.