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Thursday, April 27, 2006

This is for Casey...

So a long while back, Casey called me in the middle of the day to tell me he passed a guy with a funny ninja sign in Seattle.
I found this, and it is from Seattle. Amazing if you ask me.


Blogger Casey said...

I can't believe you found this guy! He's not alone... statistically, ninjas kill one in six families, rivaling heart disease and cancer. AND CHUCK NORRIS! Thanks Nick, this is awesome.

12:31 PM

Blogger Robert said...

I would probably give that guy some money.

10:54 PM

Blogger Nick said...

YES! I totally remember that. now everytime I see a street person, i say, "i'm so cold and hungry."
For some reason I don't get the same response........i'll have to meditate on that............

1:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What frustrates me is the lack of understanding that the vast majority of people have about the inner workings of Ninja culture, and the reasons behind the things that they do (a.k.a. silent and stealthy executions). You see the truth is that Ninjas are caring and sensitive individuals just like the rest of you. The only difference is that we can kill you at an infinitely higer level of efficiency. You could call Ninjas "the Friendly Assassins," because a death by the Ninja's Sword is swift and painless. That is unless you do something that would result in excruciating torture. So if your best friend or in this man's case, your family, is killed by a Ninja or band of Ninjas, please do not cry or mourn, or worry about your own safety. Laugh and talk positively about Ninjas, or your family (or what is left of your family) might be attending your closed-casket funeral. Thank you for considering the feelings of your Ninja comrades.

1:46 PM


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