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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Question Time

for these posts let me know your thoughts.

Why does Hollywood try to be so political?


Blogger Casey said...


6:57 PM

Blogger P said...

Seriously? I think that people who have the opportunity to voice an opinion about something important are obligated to do so. Most people in hollywood have way more time than the average person to keep up with politics. Plus, the average joe doesn't have enough money to get peoples attention. Media will always be political. Thats why its there.
And unfortunately I think that a lot of society wouldn't pay attention to political things unless it was presented in some sort of entertaining way or by someone "important".
Just look at how many more people voted because p diddy wanted them to.

4:05 PM

Blogger Nick said...

obviously it didn't make any difference though...
As for media...isn't (at least the news) supposed to be unbiased?

8:45 PM

Blogger Nick said...

well put.

4:00 PM

Blogger drspartacuss said...

I don't think "Hollywood" is political.
I think humans are political.

Asking why Hollywood is political is a bit like asking "why is Europe so political" or "why are politicians so political"? People have very different ideas about how the world should operate, and lots of people want other people to hear those ideas. People in the entertainment industry just happen to have a bigger bullhorn than the rest of us.

Film (and TV, video games, media in general) is an artistic medium, and you cannot create art without revealing something about how you think the world should operate.

The people and ideas that make up what we loosely call "Hollywood" are as diverse as any large group of people. The Passion of the Christ and The DaVinci Code come from different artists working in the same industry, and pose very different worldviews. Just wait until The Amber Spyglass comes out next year across from the next Narnia film and watch the frenzy as churches put posters of Narnia on their lawns and preach sermons against how Spyglass is corrupting children. (Remember that "Hollywood" made Harry Potter as well as Narnia.)

Pull 20 people off the street, put them in a room, make them talk about religion/abortion/the war/free trade/evolution/race/the economy/poverty/anything, and watch the sparks fly. Some people in that room will be louder and talk more, but that doesn't make them right, nor does it represent some unified "room opinion". Put a dozen high-def cameras in the room, add some special FX and have the rest of the world watch and you have a mini Hollywood.

10:26 AM

Blogger mysterio said...

Hollywood as 5/7ths of a whole is political.

6:34 PM


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